Growing companies today have to rely upon a complicated set of devices, systems and third-party services in order to meet their productivity and business automation goals. Lithium Networks is your trusted IT services provider in North Campus and throughout the entire North Central Austin region & support team to help you identify, deploy, manage and maintain technology solutions designed to fit your business objectives & overcome obstacles.

At Lithium Networks, we provide North Central Austin managed services at controllable monthly costs and IT project consulting services in North Campus across your business's full technology lifecycle. As an North Central Austin managed services company for over a decade, we can take repetitive IT support functions off of your plate so that you can focus on meeting other mission-critical objectives.

An IT Services Partner You Can Trust in North Central Austin

Lithium Networks has been providing IT services & project consulting to large & small organizations in the Austin area since 2008. Our overall service area for managed IT services and onsite IT support includes and . We also handle managed IT services, remote network & server management, remote helpdesk support, application support, cloud management and IT purchasing optimization for a variety of national organizations from our Austin headquarters.

Managed IT Services and Co-Managed IT in North Central Austin

Organizations in North Campus select our North Central Austin managed IT services to play various IT roles in their organization, either as a full service outsourced IT department or as a complement to existing inhouse IT staff.

Our managed IT services & co-managed IT services provide enterprise-level remote helpdesk support to knowledge workers and line employees, giving your company IT staff time to focus on key company functions.

Our RMM & ticketing platform makes the co-management of inhouse IT resources easy & provides tracking of all IT incidents, requests & resolutions. Our dedicated North Central Austin managed services team also often plays a role in onsite and remote new employee training & onboarding regarding use of our ticket system & escalation procedures. > Get a Quote for Managed IT Services in North Campus> More on our Managed IT Services in North Campus

Network Management & Server Management in North Campus

Lithium Networks has completed network design and installation projects of various sizes as well as server configuration and deployment all over the North Central Austin region. After deployment is complete, our North Central Austin managed services division offers one controlled monthly rate for the monitoring, management and ongoing support of the network and server environment. We also include 24/7 monitoring and remote proactive issue resolution as well as patching and updating for both local and cloud-based infrastructure.

With alerts when systems reach certain performance or usage thresholds, we are able to address issues before they become critical. > Get a Quote for Network Management in North Campus> More on our Network & Server Management in North Campus

Business IT HelpDesk Support in North Campus

Depending on the industry you operate in, there can be a constant flow of low-level end user support requests from the company employee base that disrupts your IT department's ability to meet their more important deadlines. Our North Central Austin IT help desk services allow you to move the support and handling of employee inquiries and technical issues over to our team to handle for controllable and predictable monthly costs. > Get a Quote for IT HelpDesk Support in North Campus

Onsite IT Support in North Campus

In the real world, a visit to your site by a Lithium managed services technician are still sometimes necessary in order to solve high level support requests. Our onsite IT support team in North Central Austin increases your organization's responsiveness to individual employee & companywide IT issues. Our site visit fees to offices in Austin are low across the region and make bringing us onsite a no-brainer. > Get a Quote for Onsite IT Support in North Campus> More on our Managed IT Services in North Campus

Cloud Services Management & Private Cloud Management in North Campus

Moving aspects of IT infrastructure to the cloud doesn't have to be complicated when you bring in the right expertise. Our managed IT services team works with you to choose and deploy cloud solutions that make the most sense for your business, using a security-focused approach that also fits within your overall budget constraints. > Get a Quote for Cloud Services Management in North Campus> More on our Managed Cloud Services in North Campus

Our managed services team can build, deploy and manage public, private or community cloud environments on your behalf, adding valuable expertise to your team. Our team works with migrations to the cloud often and can structure cloud migration in Array and ongoing support program that grows as your needs change.

Application, Database & Server Migrations in North Campus

We have years of expertise in application, database & server migrations for companies both in North Campus and out of the area, and can complete your migration with very limited downtime. Our general migration scope typically includes user accounts, agent jobs, SQL Server Integration Service (SSIS) packages and other defined data

Our migration services include email migrations to Office 365 (O365) and Google Workspace (G Suite), database migrations to SQL Server, migrations to AWS, migrations to Google Cloud, application porting & re-factoring, application re-engineering & modernization, and full-service lift and shift migrations. > Get a Quote for Migrations in North Campus

Data Center & Colocation Services near North Campus, TX

We operate our own data center located in Austin, Texas, featuring carrier-neutral connectivity, multi-layered security & SEC Rule 17-4a Compliant Backup Services. Our data center is active in maintaining client hosted cloud solutions, virtual servers, applications and hosted desktop, along with facilitating secure filesharing and disaster recovery deployments.

The Lithium Networks' data center offers fair and competitive rates that are better than most major providers. > Get a Quote for Data Center, Hosting & Colocation in North Campus> More on our Data Center / CoLocation Services in North Campus

Hardware & Software Purchasing in North Campus, TX

We are authorized partners & have a history of successful negotiation with enterprise brands and major service providers on a national scale. For over a decade, we have built purchasing relationships that ensure our customers get the best value and most competitive pricing.

We are local resellers of all the technology products needed to outfit your office, your network closet, and your business-critical applications. > Get a Quote for Hardware & Software Purchasing in North Campus> More on our Hardware & Software Purchasing in North Campus

Cybersecurity Assessment Details

This is a complementary offer! Our managed IT services team will complete an assessment of your infrastructure. Choose one of the following assessments.

All completed assessments include a report on the findings, a meeting for explanation & review of the report, as well as a plan for mitigation with estimate by our team.

We use several protocols to discover and probe network assets. This is useful to maintain a central asset repository and helps reduce risks and shadow IT.

Our proprietary tools detect vulnerabilities in end-user devices like laptops and desktops as well as in network infrastructure, including servers, virtual machines, routers, access points, firewalls, printers, and more. We leverage several sources for gathering vulnerabilities including the NIST’s National Vulnerability Database (NVD) and several OEM sources.

For many customers, AD is the cornerstone of their network, holding the “keys to the kingdom” that needs to be suitably protected. Our team performs AD assessments to identify misconfigurations, weak policies, and privileged user access.

Our tools support scanning a customer’s IT infrastructure for common cybersecurity compliance standards that make up the foundation of a strong cybersecurity strategy. Currently, we analyze compliance standards like PCI DSS, HIPAA, GDPR IV, NIST 800-53, NIST 800-171, CIS, CIS 8.0, ISO 27002, Cyber Essentials, and Essential Eight.

External scans show network weaknesses that could lead to a potential incident. External scans help detect open ports, protocols, and named vulnerabilities in public-facing network equipment such as web servers and firewalls.

All too often users inadvertently install unauthorized applications or uninstall applications mandated by corporate policy. The disparate set of applications makes it difficult for a security practitioner to manage application vulnerabilities. Our analysis includes an application baseline scan to detect anomalies in your application inventory.

Our assessment includes an Application Patching feature that lets us find & mitigate vulnerabilities in third-party Windows applications. This greatly reduces the risk exposure and helps safeguard the network from external actors.

Our North Central Austin managed services let you offload day-to-day, menial IT tasks like server / network management and IT helpdesk to our Austin-based team, allowing your internal IT to focus on more important goals and objectives. Our IT services costs overall are affordable on a monthly basis compared to the cost of recruiting, training, managing and retaining trained IT personnel for your own internal IT staff in North Central Austin.

Managed IT Services & IT Support Available All Over North Central Austin