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Managed IT Services: A Better Option Than Carrying High IT Employee Overhead

Published On: October 13th, 2022Categories: Managed IT Services

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What Is a Managed IT Service?

Managed IT services provide a consistent outside source of IT talent to help you accomplish your business goals. The core focus of managed service providers is to free up your company’s resources, like time and money, to focus on your strategic business operations. A services agreement with a managed service provider will cover all the operations in your IT department that your resources don’t efficiently and effectively accomplish. Often, these companies send talent to clients to assist their in-house IT department, not just replace them. “Central Texas businesses of various sizes are turning to our managed services division to outsource repetitive IT department functions. Our biggest growth area has been an incoming flow of Austin managed services relationships for our team to support & maintain,” said Arlen Peckham, President & Owner of a regional MSP operating in Austin.

The issues of an IT talent shortage and increasing technical demands for teams weigh heavily on businesses, and managed services are a beacon for reputable and effective service management. Under contract, a company assumes responsibility for disaster recovery, safe and secure systems, and various technology services like mobile device management delivered to customers based on a service level agreement.

Reducing Employee Overhead

The most well-known benefit of the service offerings of managed IT companies is a reduction in overall IT costs. Building and managing an in-house IT department requires enormous amounts of resources. Often, the costs of employing the team far outweigh the benefits received. This is due to several reasons: retraining costs, lost productivity, and a lack of potent IT talent. It would be significantly more effective to pay a flat fee billed monthly to a company specializing in IT, saving you financial resources and reducing the department’s risk. You effectively gain an entire team of IT professionals to assist your business at a fraction of the cost. This isn’t the only benefit to services managed by vendors, as the overall effectiveness of the services will be much better.

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More Stable and Consistent IT Performance

Having newly trained IT talent build or maintain complex computer systems carries many risks. After all, they only know what they were taught, and to save money on training is to lose value in the employees. It seems like an obstacle that you cannot avoid. However, IT professionals offering managed IT have extensive industry experience with cloud computing devices, desk services, application services, security support, and data protection. They are specialists in the field, and while hired in bulk at competitive rates, they offer far superior outcomes. Tasks and processes like monitoring and management are simple routines to these professionals. Reliable expert IT talent is hard to come by, especially in the traditional job market. Offering better performance and more predictable pricing makes effective and efficient managed service providers a smart option.

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Full Lifecycle Approach

The services support customer goals and interests and take a top-down, proactive approach. They can take a bird’s eye perspective on your evolving business and look at the big picture. This means they are prepared to take a role in any step in your IT lifecycle. Need backup and disaster prevention? They’ve got it. Sent employees home to work remotely and need hybrid cloud services and help remote monitoring the remote workers? They offer that too.

24/7 Support Services

In addition to offering things like cloud hosting, device management, platform services, and white label software, these companies often specialize in 24/7 technical support. Your business needs to handle the hardware and software challenges in your way, but the resources required to do it at the scale and consistency necessary for smooth operations are impossible on a tight budget.

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Improved Employee Productivity

Managed services enable your employees to focus on running your business instead of tackling the company’s complex cloud environment and cybersecurity requirements. Native applications can make tasks easier for employees. Still, these companies can also build and run these applications for you. The flexibility to handle customers on demand without expending your internal resources gives you a true strategic partner capable of helping you expand and grow. How could you expect to give your team the freedom to focus without excess manpower to manage things like incident response, management of servers, resolve issues, and any storage solution your business might need? The ability of your team to focus on the business process instead of the high-tech demands of the modern business world gives your team an edge. Competitors will remain tied up in a confusing web of devices and servers. At the same time, you build a valuable asset and make your employees happy, working with a team of IT professionals that cut your technology pain in half.

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After reviewing all of the important services offered, like issue resolution, network support services, legal and privacy, multiple mobile device support services, and automating manual tasks, the potency of these companies is clear. Offering inclusive pricing for master services, the pricing model appears equally attractive. The consistent and predictable pricing gets accountants excited while also improving your bottom line. Since providers typically offer a wide range of work, they’re also very versatile and likely to fit your company’s needs. The overall value derived from managed IT services cannot be understated. For businesses on a budget, it’s almost always a better alternative to the expensive and risky process of hiring and maintaining a full internal IT team.